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Waves Masters Native Bundle

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Pro-Level Mastering with Waves' Best Plug-Ins!

From Waves, the world leaders in audio production plug-in design comes the Masters Bundle, the definitive suite of plug-ins for professional mastering. Everything you want is here. The Master Bundle delivers stunning transparency, control, and sonic excellence from any software OR hardware piece currently available.

Waves Masters Bundle at a Glance:
  • Pro-standard mastering tools available for native audio applications
  • Transparent sound from Linear Phase EQ
  • Independent gain and dynamics control from Linear Multi-Band Compressor
  • Award-winning peak limiting with L2 Ultramaximizer
Pro-stan dard mastering tools available for native audio applications

Pro tools users have long appreciated the uncompromised quality and ergonomic workflow of Waves mastering plug-ins. The Waves Masters Bundle Native makes those same applications available to any software that supports VST, MAS, RTAS, or DirectX.

Transparent sound from Linear Phase EQ

The Waves Masters Bundle includes Waves' famous Linear Phase EQ that lets you "hear what you've been missing!" This equalizer's innovative phase linear filters don't introduce phase distortions and provide you with a most transparent sound that better preserves the original musical balance. Linear Phase EQ includes a broadband paragraphic component with five general bands and one low-frequency band plus a low-frequency-targeted high-precision component.

Independent gain and dynamics control from Linear Multi-Band Compressor

Next up in the Waves Masters Bundle is the Linear Multi-band compressor. It offers independent gain and dynamics (compression, EQ, and limiting) on five user-defined frequency ranges with linear phase crossovers. The Linear Multi-band Compressor includes unique Waves technologies such as Adaptive Thresholds, Automatic Makeup, and Gain Trim. Hear it and you will never use another multiband processor! The Linear Multi-Band Compressor is ideal for purist mastering on full range mixes.

Award-winning peak limiting with L2 Ultramaximizer

The crown jewel in the Waves Masters Bundle is the L2 Ultramaximizer. This award-winning audio tool is the next step in peak limiting with Automatic Gain Control to add the extra gain you need to master your projects. The L2 Ultramaximizer employs Waves' ARC (Automatic Release Control) for smooth transitions and the exclusive IDR (Increased Digital Resolution) dithering technology. Ninth order filters maintain the highest audio quality. The L2 Ultramaximizer is one of the finest processing tools you can find for mastering, mixing, and recording. Plus, it's capable of extreme limiting and vintage dynamic processing effects.

The Waves Masters Bundle is what you need to deliver pro-grade mastered projects to your clients. Take advantage of this bundle price and put Waves to work in your studio!

Waves Masters Bundle Features:
  • Professional mastering plug-ins for VST, MAS, RTAS, and DirectX
  • Linear Phase EQ provides filtering without phase distortion
  • Linear Multi-band Compressor offers five bands of dynamics control
  • L2 Ultramaximizer is the ultimate peak limiter for your projects

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